The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I thought I was fully operational yesterday. I took it pretty easy and got home and back to bed fairly early. I knew I was dragging today ... Now I feel almost as bad as I did on Sunday. This flu, or whatever it is, is a very different kind of feel bad then I've ever felt before. I have four new books on my bedside table ... a couple of fresh blog posts to enjoy ... never before viewed Top Chef to stream ... and for me, most exciting: a few fun days in Atlanta to plan for early next month. My birthday is in January, so I'm going to think of it as a birthday gift rather then the business trip it is for my husband. I am going to play the tourist. (And I want to feel awesome for that.) I'm thinking about test driving some high end automobiles ... That seems a little wrong, because I am not in the market for a high end automobile but, it's fun to consider nonetheless.


Anonymous said...

Be careful! High end autos have a way of tricking your mind into wild mental vectors of financial justification... It is insidious. Corvettes are the most dangerous in this matter of mental malfunction.

DeAnn said...

It seems sporting that the salespeople should be given the opportunity to exceed expectations ... to truly excel at the jobs! Mental malfunction (very funny: ) chain of events switch "initiated" ... (I'm already thinking about which shoes to pack for this event).