The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
My husband was invited to "throw his name in the hat" for a career opportunity here. I think it represents another three year commitment. It would be good for him if it comes together. I feel that it will. We will know by April.
For me it represents a change of plans. Not a move to the beach. That may be better ... Maybe reserve the coast for breaks from real life. Real life here is pretty nice.
I'm pretty sure I won't be flight instructing. A few years ago earning that certificate, and more then that really, excelling in an area of my own choosing, was a high priority. Pretty sure the actual "job" part of instructing would have been fraught with annoyances. I know I would have loved helping people learn how to fly, but FI said all the other crapola would burn me down after a year or so. I distance myself from "the program", what I do hear just continues to be not good. Poor leadership. This other thing I thought would work out ... It just wasn't worth it to me. I do love to fly ... but I don't like to be messed with and in that case I didn't have to be. I don't want to work at building something with someone who is still figuring integrity things out. It's funny how we deceive ourselves ... I'm sure I am as susceptible to that human flaw as anyone. I don't know how the flying stuff is going to go. I am okay to let it go. I've said before that I should have started marathon running when I started flying. Maybe I should do that now.
I could get a job. Some kind of marketing thing. I won't though. Unless we needed the income, my time is better spent making things lovely for my family. For the most part I like that. What's missing there? It's not the company ... I don't mind spending a lot of time alone. I may even prefer it. I like my little projects and time to think about little things. Today I'm thinking about La Niña ... I understand why cooler Pacific equatorial water would lead to drought conditions over Mexico and the SWern US ... But, then why the crazy storms with cyclonic cells shotting across Louisianna, Mississippi and Alabama. It's simple, just takes a little quiet time to work it out ... Something about where the moisture does finally lift no doubt ... I'm in hot pursuit of that info today.
I'm sanding door frames and vacuuming dust from that, and I'm doing the actual doors out on the back porch with Sammy. Yesterday I absent mindedly stepped in his big ole water bowl ... He thought it was funny. The fresh paint is looking really good.
That little saying about "bloom where you are planted" ... It's an old saying. Could sound a bit trite or patronizing. I'm thinking about that. There is something to be said about making the best of things ... There is a pretty good challenge right there. Working out something really good with what may be found close at hand. I'm not expressing it quite clearly, but I'll try again some other time. There is an art to living well. I think it might come down to choices.
Where is that interesting quote ... “When we are young, the words are scattered all around us. As they are assembled by experience, so also are we, sentence by sentence, until the story takes shape.” ~ Louise Erdrich, The Plague of Doves
She was probably writing that in a different context, but it is close to what I'm thinking.
The words to my story are close by. I don't need to go to the beach to write my story. Most of my words aren't up there in the wild blue ... .
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