The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Thursday, November 8, 2012

freaky fruit

It is really one of my favorite things to do ... grocery shop ... and I especially love it when one of my kids will go with me ... even better when they chauffeur!  C is especially fun to shop with because while she says she likes everything the truth is she likes only Cheezits, Ramen Noodle, and restaurant food.  My very favorite place to shop is the local fresh vegetable and fruit market.  We went there first and next to the Korean Market ... I am all out of seaweed wrappers ... was.  Today we saw two items that I've never seen before, dragon fruit and rambutan.  I bought one little rambutan, but thought I might want to do a bit of research on the dragon fruit first.  C selected some Asian ramen ... some sort of epicurean taste challenge no doubt.

Later I got to go hear Maya Angelou speak.  I loved the time listening to her.  She has a wonderful voice and a very embracing way about her.  Two made that time possible for me and sharing the time with her was just great ... we both liked Ms. Angelou and agree that she is like the ultimate mother/grandmother type lady ... how does she do that? Make you feel like family?   It's quite a gift cause the room was packed!

Tomorrow ... SkyFall.  Been waiting.  Last week we saw Cloud Atlas which I liked.  Well ... that's it.  Started the week feeling icky with the flu and now I'm saying there is something kinda wonderful about just laying around for several days ... it feels so great to feel good.

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