Wheels up at 7:45 ... Co brought coffee (wonderful surprise!), and boy did it ht the spot ... no sugar doesn't bother me anymore (that's what I tell myself ... ). I flew the first leg and upon arrival flew four little 1.0 orientation flights. First guy already had his private so that was just fun ... he was really outstanding (and smart). I had a couple of young kids who were more like passengers and a couple more kids who rocked their stick time. It is such a pleasure to fly people new to, yet curious about aviation ... even more so when they have an aptitude for it. So ... a good day. Got pretty bumpy as the day wore on, that doesn't really bother me much at all (more concerned with getting puked on quite frankly) ... my buddy wasn't feeling the bumps for some reason (I think it had something to do with the Saturday night before ... good to be a kid ... ). My feet got so hot in my boots that I pulled them of during my break. Delighted when buddy flipped one of his rides to me all except for sliding back in to my ropers ... sky pic taken after we landed. 1.7 back to home base was fun but I was a bit skittish for some reason. Probably just tired ... not a huge fan of pitch black ground (forests and lakes) and single engine night ops. It was nice to catch the field beacon from a ways out ... something kinda special about the sweeping light from ones own field.
Today ... house work (and lots of it!) and trying to re-boot my mom. She is one month away from moving in to her new place and back pedaling faster then racing bike. Tommy is pretty much fried out on her shenanigans ... .
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