The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, May 23, 2022

 I used to wake up in the morning and think to myself, “I get to fly today”.

I used to get up and get going. Those were good days. Busier days, days when everything moved faster. So fast that I could sometimes even see “the burr”.

There was an in between time. Maybe it can be like setting cruise while “before” felt more like caravaning with strangers in the fast lane, slowing only for red tail lights ahead or flashing blue and red in the rear view…  

With that metaphor, now it’s all cruise, cruise and scan for people who need to be “let in”. No hurries, few worries - I cruise my car like autopilot, no brakes just minor predialed adjustments.

Now when I wake up I am wrapped in quiet. I drink the coffee I like while reading quieter things. I pet my dog who is always a bit too nearby. I think about our garden while I wait for the sun (and my husband) to rise. If I worry it’s about squash bugs and hornworms. Nothing is “blurred”. 

I don’t spend much time on fretting about politics or pestilence.

22 years ago I was delivering our last child on this day. She dazzles me. She’s here today, a layover of sorts before a summer internship and a PhD program in the fall. 

It’s a good time. 


GretchenJoanna said...

Hi, DeAnn, what a happy post. I'm glad your daughter is with you, and your lovely zinnias, your coffee and your husband. And your Lord. Have a blessed summer. <3

vanderleun said...

I am pleased to see you so blessed.

DeAnn said...

Thank you GJ! Think of you often. “Living small” has a sweetness all its own! I’m grateful for this quieter time.

DeAnn said...

Thank you for checking in on me Gerard. My best to you as always!