I should be outside, pulling weeds, trimming dead wood, raking the few straggling oak leaves that fell back around Thanksgiving and landed here and there in my flower beds. I could be getting ready to plant pansies. But I'm not. Not today. Today is a special day.
Today I was at the DMV with Four ... we have another licensed driver in the house. Pretty sure she will rock this. She is tuned in to what is going on around her. You have to be when you're number four of five ... .
I am embarrassed to admit that I dropped the ball this morning. Yesterday she asked me what all she would need to present to the examiner today ... I've been through this process with her three older siblings ... look it up on line and see to it, I instructed. I don't want my kids calling me years from now to direct them on things they can do themselves ... she made a list and set about collecting her birth certificate etc. On the drive over I showed her how we keep our proof of insurance and ownership in a baggie in the glove compartment of each car ... and that should she be asked for it for any reason by a police officer, not to worry ... this is how it's packaged in our cars. Then we arrive, precisely on time (like I like) at the DMV ... she has everything she needs uber organized (like I like). The officer was all smiles as she presented each item ... and then he asked for my Driver's license. I opened my clutch to where it is kept at all times unless I take it out to put it with my pilot certificates ... and there it wasn't.
Yeah, I was very surprised ... and embarrassed ... all this talk about personal responsibility. I remembered using it to scrap ice from the windshield on Tuesday... the lady at the gym asked for it on Wednesday ... where in the world could it be I thought as I rummaged through the little purse. I showed him the paper temporary ... expired of course. I knew it had to be in my flight bag tucked in between certificates and my medical. Of course my flight bag is back at home ... can't leave that precious headset and the brothers just laying about! I kick myself all the way home. She's like, "Don't worry about it Mom." But I do. After her test, she has made arrangements to have lunch with some of her friends ... I am afraid that this deviation will affect her plans. (What a great kid.)
When we got back over there I discretely ask "Is there anyway I could have two copies of my driver's license?" He wants to know why and I explain that I need one with my pilot certificates which I don't carry around in a wallet because I don't carry a wallet ... I really don't even carry a purse ... I carry a debit card and a phone and that's about it. The license in the clutch stays in the car under the seat. He says the only way I can get another license is if I "lose" mine ... he says people who need two licenses just get a replacement for the one they lost ... and just in case I don't catch his drift, he winks at me. "Hmmm, Thank you very much, I do seem to be getting a bit careless lately." While my girl is out taking her road test, I google Replacement licence in my State. First paragraph explains how and where ... second paragraph explains the consequences of acquiring an replacement DL under false pretenses. I am not a good liar. I don't think I would do well in prison either. Back to square one ... DL out of flight wallet and back in clutch may need to be a checklist item.
I am excited about the super special birthday cake I will make for Sunday lunch. I was inspired by a picture in a magazine Wednesday night. A big girl cake ... something elegant. She is growing up. I wouldn't tweak a thing about her!

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