The funny thing about that new fixture ... there is not a switch to that outlet! It was actuated with one of those pull chains! I don't know how to link an outlet to a wall switch ... for now I am unscrewing the bulb. I thought to use a cord with a switch on it, but there's no way to thread it though the actual fixture. Ummm ... thinking about this, and it looks like a job for a real electrician! Fortunately the closets and the pantry have switch plates that actuate with the opening of a door, so all other possible lighting upgrades are good to go.
From right here in the dining room I can see the birds have found the feeder. Pretty sweet. It's far enough from those nests, but still where I can see it. I like.

Sammy and I walked five miles yesterday. He didn't bark a bit last night. Maybe he has been missing our walks as much as I have.
Spring is bursting at the seams around here. Yesterday I worked mostly outside and there is a huge pile of shrub scrapes waiting to be picked up. In Texas we had to take our own yard debris some where ... here they pick up trash, recyclables, and yard stuff every week. (I'm trying to think of all the things I like about "around here"!) Here's a view down the street ... lots trees, nice sidewalk, biking path. I had to tell my buddy girl back home that we aren't heading that way. It's kinda funny how things go. Husband is "tickled pink" about this opportunity. It would be unkind, ungracious ... umm, maybe the word is bitchy, for me to rain on his parade with my disappointments. I'm really trying to get myself re-booted with this ... it's like I'm the bummed out WiFi router that all my loves count on to sparkle their happy through ... they count on me to be "up". I did a life strategy that I'm not liking ... I deferred something, I don't even know what to call it, for these big deal things I thought were sure things. Sacrifice for a later payoff ... deferred gratification. And ... I'm sure that's what we all do ... yeah, pretty sure. But ... where I think I made a big mistake was in putting all my eggs in those baskets. I think I see myself doing that just in general. I go all in. Or ... not at all. It's kinda extreme. I'm starting to see that other approaches may be even more satisfying overall. I tend to super focus ... with my important stuff, people and plans. I think I would like to be more permeable ... more come and go ... . I noticed that trait about myself this past year. Somebody suggested a novel idea which was interesting to me and I just couldn't really commit until it was offered as a longterm kind of thing ... I saw that I don't feel comfortable with little commitments ... like people seem to do ... like, let's get together for lunch ... hangout ... that sort of thing is easy to take a pass on. Little commitments have seemed like clutter ... like they are not worth the time. But ... I'm starting to realize how enriching those smaller tastings can be. Smaller tastings can inform your whole palette. All of a sudden you can discover that you really like pistachio gelato ... and maybe who knows what else, but you better get busy looking for it 'cause no one's gonna do that for you. Hmmm ... like that trip with my daughter's class to the aquarium. I would never just go there because I wanted to, I would go only in support of one of the kids, or as a family outing. It's just never occurred to me that I can follow my fancy on some things. If/when there is no penalty to what is truly important to me and ... it has the potential to make my own little life a lot more pleasant. I can't see a way to do as much flying as I would like to do, but ... I can find other things to do that I enjoy ... I don't have to defer all pleasures for later. It's silly to do so.
This morning I made a lunch date with a mom who has recently relocated to here. Our daughters hang out ... I think I would maybe like her. I know I'm having lunch at my favorite local place (and that something to look forward to may be good enough). I'm really trying to figure this stuff out.
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