Yesterday both of my best friends called just to chat ... pretty sweet. D wondered how all my stuff is coming along. She has a knack for interiors. If I wonder about this or that style wise, she is my main go to gal. She's talked me down from more the one really bad haircut choice! Lol. She has the huge
remember when advantage ... we've been buddies forever. So ... this room is pleasant enough to sit in ... coffee time right here where I can see the rose vine ... and the little bird feeder. Coming along. Maybe we can get the drapes back up this weekend ... I like the very open view, but ... window treatments are required in grown up homes I guess. Each of the three floor to ceiling windows offers a view of unrelenting green ... pine and crepe myrtle through one, dogwood and hickory through the next, rose vine with its little pink buds, lawn, and that pecan tree that attracts every squirrel in town and dapples the grass with shade. This is a really good place from which to begin a day.

Last night, after dinner, my husband helped me get the two missing spokes back in my old rocker. The rocker I sat in and sang soft little lullabies to my babies ... everyone of them taller then I now. I love this chair ... for the memories of sweet smelling babies (I loved leaning in to their sleeping breathe and rubbing my cheek so carefully against theirs ... ahhh, babies, my little loves), and for how perfectly balanced it is even for just little ole me (it practically rocks of it's own accord ... no creaks!), and for the loves that it may rock in the tomorrows ... I don't yet dream of those, but I'm glad for the moments this chair has seen. So glad to have it back in good repair! Today I will apply some of that hand rub poly. Excellent product ... it feels just the way I hoped the wood in my home would ... just like smooth time mellowed wood. (Minwax Wipe-On Poly ... Hand rubbed beauty
with polyurethane Protection ... yeah, totally rocks.)
Yesterday ... once again, I am going to say, I think the sheet rock in the den is sanded to perfection. The plumbing may drain slow from all the showering it takes to get that stuff out of my hair and off my skin ... still in the sinuses, but I have promised myself that I will buy some of those little faces masks to have on hand just in case ... it's just silly not to. Back to painting in there ... all but that area has been detailed and it's not going to take anytime at all to roll some fresh attitude up on that ceiling!
I did get the blower started ... and Sammy did think it was specifically for his amusement. He looks so funny with his hair blown back full force. Full little fuel tank gets a good start ... half tank, not even a half ass start ... full better ... lesson learned! I blew out the garage and hung these tool brackets in the bonus round ...
the build in work bench is just South of this wall and ... it's clear. I am tickled with the progress being made in the garage. I try to do something out there every day. The rocker was out there collecting spider webs ... now it's back inside where it belongs. Stuff can pile up and become overwhelming ... I don't have a huge vision of where this space is going (well, I sorta do ... lol) ... for now I am just trying to commit to investing fifteen minutes a day out there ... it's starting to be ... better.
So ... one last thing for today. I am watching a new to me program on HULU ...
Touch. L found 24 (the series) and really liked it ... we watched all 8 or 9 seasons of it ... then Two was sitting near me watching something and I heard
Jack's voice ... what a great voice ... takes lots of scotch to smooth out a voice like that ... or something, anyway ... Touch is Keifer Sutherland's current project. I think it must be my very favorite tv thing ever. Yeah, I think so.
Blending science, spirituality and emotion, the series will follow seemingly unrelated people all over the world whose lives affect each other in ways seen and unseen, known and unknown. ~ from
the show's page. People who like numbers, science
and people will probably enjoy this show.
I wrote this note from the opening lines of the show I saw yesterday ... I love these words together.
Eighty-nine degrees, fifteen minutes, fifty point eight seconds
That's the current position of Polaris.
The North Star.
Viewed from another planet it's just one among many,
but on Earth, it's uniquely important ... fixed in place, an anchor.
No matter where you are in the Northern hemisphere, when you face Polaris, you face North.
You know where you are.
But, there are other ways to get lost.
In the choices we make.
In the events that overwhelm us.
Even in our own minds ... .
What can be our anchor then?
What beacon can we turn to to guide us from darkness to light?
What if it's other people?
The lives that touch our own both big and small ...
because, unlike Polaris,
the light they bring will never fade.