The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Friday, January 18, 2013

Our Story | The Wellhouse

Our Story | The Wellhouse

Like everyone else, I am becoming more aware of the proportions of this.  I have known it was happening in other countries, until last night when I attended an educational talk on this topic, I had no idea it was so widespread in our country.
What drives this?  Obviously part of it is economics ... money.  I was very surprised to hear how much money one person can be expected to "produce" in a year ... it's in the video.  If it were possible to follow the greed/need backwards what would we see?  This video is about the supply side ... what is ... whose face is on the demand side? ... And what faces them?  Why is there such a huge market for this?

This is essentially ... taking, stealing, something from someone ... to satisfy something insatiable.

This is a major issue.  I have wondered previously how the energy expelled on the issue of slavery in America's history could be redirected to addressing this current moral challenge.  I am wondering what I can do.  The speakers said this is so dark and so immense that it tends to swamp a person ... I can see that.


Dean said...

I watched this vidoe Friday and it scared me to death. My daughter is 15 and I could just picture her getting taken. So on the way home I was telling my wife about it. She told me a modeling agency had called my daughters cell phone that day wanting her to come to meet with them at the local Hilton. Horrible pictures ran through my mind.

DeAnn said...

It is scary.
And so horribly depraved.

And complicated by the way our society views ... I'm struggling for the words because it is such a monstrously large thing ... sex and money ... and the natural naïveté of youth.

The Chief of Police in my town was there. He said the only remedy for this once it gets its hands on a life (from any angle) is God.