The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, August 23, 2010

"This book gives you a look at seven gifts that come from waiting. They include getting patience, loss of control, living in the present, compassion, gratitude, humility, and trust in God."

"According to Webster, the definition of patience is:

1. bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
2. manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
3. not hasty or impetuous
4. steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
5. able or willing to bear

Hmmm.....those don't sound so good.
The Bible provides that same definition of patience, although it talks about patience as a virtue, and extremely necessary in order to move forward with God.
So how come it's so hard to implement, and even harder to maintain once you make progress?
The problem with "becoming" patient, is that you can't practice it without being put in a situation that requires it. Ugh."

Uh - Alright, Maybe I do need a little work here because loss of control sure doesn't seem like a gift to me! I mean, unless the horse can be counted on to head for the barn, and that's where you want to go, you gotta hold on to the reins. I've known a few people who just let it go where it go . I't's not a pretty thing to behold.

Well, CFI ground is scheduled for 8:00 MWF this semester. We've all agreed on 8:30. I found myself with a few spare minutes this morning and decided to google "define patience".
Above are some of the results. The few people who really know me say I am patient. I sometimes wonder if I could/should be more patient. Granny said too much of a good thing isn't helpful either. I can see areas or events where I was too patient. It's funny, I feel like I am participating in that race where an egg is balanced on a spoon ... and then the spoon is held in the racer's mouth. It's pretty difficult. You have to put the correct pressure on the spoon to hold it up as it holds the egg. The metal is foreign, and what if you fall? Your eyes feel like crossing in the process. Your feet want to run because that's what they do when racing, but not so fast, the egg is bouncing ... . You get the picture.
How graceful could life be lived without the constraints of time? Is it time slipping away that pushes patience? The idea of eternity creeps me out a bit. I can't wrap my head around a time without time.
I'm thinking/remembering about standing in a field of wheat. I slowly turned 360* and all I could see as far as I could see was wheat (with a sprinkle of John Deere green just here and there ... I was amazed that the cabs were air conditioned). Is that eternity? As far as the eye can see ... no edges ... from here to where that starlight came from and further? Either is measured and because it is measured the time between must be accessed.
I've taught four 15 year old learners how to drive a stick. I think I am patient. Am I working on patience? Or am I working on not being too patient? I don't want to break the egg, but I want to run the race ... .
I said I would sit patiently and wait. I am doing that in my life right now. I have a couple of projects going that support my goal, but I am not pushing ... and I'm not stressing. I'm all chillax (at least my best version of it). Interesting ... for now ... but how long do I have to do this? How long can I not specifically work on this while doing nothing? Am I working on this if I'm not doing anything?

What good is a beautiful timepiece with no workings ... it's not a clock.

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