The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Thursday, February 11, 2021

 So, I guess like everyone else, I am thinking about an air fryer.

 Air fryers, pictures of food prepared in air fryers...airfryer cookbooks (I went to B&N today trying to get a copy of the TIMES magazine that the article about all those guys teaming up to save democracy was printed in - that was a no go, so upstairs to look at real cookbooks while I was there anyway)...air fryer things are everywhere. I don't even eat fried foods (much) and I'm thinking about one. I want to know first hand how in the world that works. 

And does it work?  

Does air fry? 

Hmmm, I was raised all the way down to the border of south Texas.  The other day some one said Corpus is south Texas, but there's basically a whole 'nother State southwest of Corpus. It's the border and right now I'm hearing that Covid-19 is jumping from home to home almost as fast as new people are coming in to the country. 

I've wondered about that. I really think I'm too much of the too good to be true mindset to have be able to make that trip. I don't blame them. One of the Executive Orders rolled out the red carpet. Thank goodness we have I35 running up the middle of the country to help these newbies navigate their way north. I was driving by myself heading south from Dallas down I35 after dark and noticed several cars in tow (two piggy backing sometimes which is incredibly impressive and sorta scared even to a Valley girl) also headed south and to my thinking pretty far south. They load those vehicles with all manner of things - crammed full. Headed back home wildly wealthy by village standards. I'm happy for them. They probably think we are crazy up here. 

Air fryers. All the bread machines and all the Kitchen Aid Stand Mixers have been sold (I'm guessing) so we are on to air fryers. I do love chalupas. And chips. I've almost forgotten how much I love chips and salsa. 

I've taken up serious cooking during these stay at home and listen to TV fussing all day days.  We may never eat out again. Austin area is back up to 75% occupancy in our restaurants but everybody learned how to cook last year. And we figured out our better food at home not only tastes better, it's like 1/3 the cost before tip. And I wear black yoga pants everyday. Everyday. I love it. I'm saying that because not only are we not spending money entertaining ourselves out and about, we are also not buying new clothes. I have my comfy at home clothes and I can wear them to the gym. Lately I'm wracking up 120 minutes a day on my watches green arc playing Beat Saber on the Oculus Quest. That's all I do ...dogpark (WX permitting - ice storm today), grocery store, gym, front yard, back yard, home. 

We get so many Amazon deliveries in this neighborhood that packages are being dropped off out of unmarked cars. A kid who probably used to be waiting tables to pay for college is now driving Amazon boxes around in his car. I was outside when he just stopped in the middle of the street, got out and came walking towards me smiling under his mask. I'm sorry I don't have on a mask (in my yard doing yard work) I said, but if you're not afraid of my cooties I'll take that. I asked him if he wanted a bottle of propel, which he didn't and thanked him for delivering "the ocean".  The ocean? he took the time to ask, and I told him it was a sound machine...I'm missing the coast.


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