The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It seems like the Internal Medicine guy is there to hustle up work for the other guys.  I went in for routine bloodwork and came away with (new knowledge of) high cholesterol.  Both of my parents had heart problems - Daddy's death at the incredibly young age of 45 was all about his cardiovascular system. My mom opted not to take high cholesterol medicine back in the 90s, her death was due to cancer, but she left the hospital when that was discovered with a referral to a cardiologist as well as to the oncologist.  So, although my blood pressure is perfect, and I am not at risk for diabetes, I am taking the cholesterol number seriously.  It would be nice to be alive for whatever happens next!

I am also to see an oncologist for those proteins in my blood which aren't supposed to be there.  Worst case scenario for those markers is multiple myeloma.  I'd so much rather not. Most likely is "We haven't figured out why some people have that." why can't the medical community get comfortable with just saying, "I don't know ... we don't know."  Or, "We haven't figured it completely  out yet, but your data might help with that."  I mean, well, two things.  One, I've raised five kids, I know when someone doesn't now what they're talking about. Two, I say I don't know all the time - it hasn't made me seem any stupider.  Lol.  Seriously, I'd love to hear a medical doctor, or maybe especially a PhD say, I don't know.  Period.  If you don't know, stop there.  It's okay.

And ... I do have a rotator cuff tear which I am in physical therapy for.  The surgery isn't scheduled yet because I need to improve the range of motion before it's scheduled.  The woman I work with is pretty amazing. I spend a lot of time working on it at home too and it's really neat to see the improvement.  I am suddenly interested in anatomy so I'm studying up on that.  I think rehabilitation the shoulder after surgery is a pretty long process.  

The picture was taken down the street a ways from the retreat cabin, if a 3000 soft log cabin kit home may be considered a cabin.  If I win the lottery I will definitely spend some of it on a small ranch for a few horses and some of the exotic herds that I've enjoyed seeing at Brushy Top down by Blanco. I like horses and enjoy riding but I don't know how to care for them.    


Patrick said...

Prayers on this Good Friday that you get the most comforting possible diagnosis for proteins that aren't supposed to be there. I also smiled at the irony of having to increase the range of motion in your shoulder *before* rotator cuff surgery. That seems backwards, but I don't even play a doctor on TV.

DeAnn said...

Thank you Patrick.
I smiled at that too! When asked, the doc said it needs to be in the best shape possible before the surgery to give me the best chance of full recovery from the surgery. The range of motion has improved beyond my wildest aspirations but the tear will be there until it is surgically repaired ... .

How are things going for you?