The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Friday, October 16, 2009

again on duality idea

Someone asked - education (information) changes things - good or bad?

I am thinking about that today - of course there is a quick answer!

One of the things I have been learning lately is really something I have known pretty much all a long...that we are all, everyone of us, just a jar of clay...a vessel housing/holding, a soul/self, that is capable of both acts of goodness and acts of "meanness". Several years ago a friend told me the best advice she has ever received came from her soon to be father-in-law on her wedding day. It was:" Look for the "goodness" in this man you are marrying - everyday - not just this day of light but each of the days to follow. There will be days when that is hard to see but look for it anyway."

I have been learning about "duality" in our natures. Paul (Bible) talks about those things he wishes to do he doesn't do and those things he wishes not to do he does do... . He's not advocating for that - just being honest. We all have those moments we wish we could take back. We all have those moments we wish others would take back! John Eldredge (author - The Sacred Romance) calls these moments arrows that pierce our hearts and scar our souls. My pastor recently made the comment (in passing really, but it stuck with me) that our name is written in Jesus' wounds ... at the time I thought "My name is in His wounds - He did that for me...I should write His name in my wounds - He wants to do that for me too." By His stripes we are healed.

I am a person like that - that person of duality. I would like to do right. The truth is I would really like everyone around me to do right! I don't want to make allowances for anyone else to be anything less than at their best at all times! And then there are days when I kick myself around because I wasn't/am not at my best all the time! I think it is interesting that Jesus wasn't judgemental ... I think He knew/knows that we are all "deficient" in this area...we all want to do right...but sometimes that is not the reality of our actions. I love this days note in "My Utmost for His Highest" ... among other ideas it expresses this one: "Our Lord calls us to no special work - He calls us to Himself"...and he will engineer your circumstances to send you out as his laborer".

I am glad that He doesn't judge me for being "less than" some - okay - all days. I don't see that as a pass to run amok ... I see that as an example to not hold it against others who are in the same boat as I. I am also hoping that something good can come of these days that God has given me. That my "stinkerness" [<- those arrows I have shot ->] will be more and more conformed to what He has in mind for me. I am also hoping that I can let Him remove some of the arrows that I have received.

"God took a great risk by announcing forgiveness in advance, and the scandal of grace involves a transfer of that risk to us."
~Philip Yancey
"God's arms are always extended; we are the ones who turn away."
~Philip Yancey

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