The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Colleen's Cinnamon Rolls, aka ... "My Favorite Cinnamon Rolls Ever!"

I asked Susan, who has always baked beautiful scrumptious treats, for roll recipe, something easy, something even a novice baker like me could bake.  She emailed a dinner roll recipe (which I baked and delivered straight out of the oven to the deer on Thanksgiving day) and this, a breakfast cinnamon roll recipe.  Susan said she has been using this recipe, a gift from Colleen, since our school days together.  I've  successfully "re-created" these twice now. I do add pecans ... and a vanilla infused glaze once they come out of the oven.  These were topped with pecans and the rest of the cinnamon sugar.

Here's a pic of Susan and Colleen and Dolly.  They are beautiful aren't they?  It amazes me that they all three still look almost exactly like they did here on Colleen's wedding day in (I'm guessing) 1980.

Here - Susan and me probably a year later (on the TAMU campus).  It's funny to see this picture ... I still wear mostly white shirts (or black) with jeans and boots.  I thought my fashion sense had evolved, but clearly it hasn't.

I made the cinnamon rolls again while my daughter was here this week with her very best friends.  I sat with one of them, I've known her since she was young enough, still in diapers, to be in big trouble with her momma for constantly flipping her dress up at church.  She said she actually remembers that (I bet she does). Now they are around the same age as the four of us pictured here ... and I'm passing along Colleen's cinnamon roll recipe to them (and to you, they are that good!).

These friends have really supported me this year.  This year has been lots better because they have taken time out of very busy lives to remind me that I am loved ... and I'm not alone.
We've been loving each other for a long time now.

Now those cinnamon rolls become part of these three's sweet life story.

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