Chicken - thinking about chicken today. Yesterday we sat, waiting on passengers. My flying buddy asked me what I thought of going to get a pedicure while we waited ...I'd havtah take my boots off for that.... Yeah, that might be too much of an ordeal to let them dry,she said. We went to the movies. This movie house was amazing...for "extra" you could sit upstairs, away from the riffraff, and drink cocktails or order dinner...the ticket agent said there were loveseats or booths. We sat downstairs. Leap Year was our choice. I knew my husband wouldn't want to see it, and it was okay for 6 bucks ... a nice leather seat in an empty theater. We talked as loud as we wanted to about the leads adorable shoes and the stunningly beautiful Irish...?...countryside. In one scene a chickens neck was wrung...outside the shot of course. Where do you think chickens come from? he asked, she answered,The freezer section. My husband and I have had the same conversation - "They come saran wrapped and boneless from the frozen food counters",I remember saying...ha that was a long time ago.
I spent my teenage years living 10 miles from the Texas/Mexico border. In the marcado there was a glass box - it looked a little bit like a popcorn machine. Inside it was a chicken who would "dance" when one put in quarters. The kids would throw those quarters in the slot and laugh like crazy while the chicken danced - the more quarters, the longer, and the more frantically the chicken would dance. The kids I was sneaking into Mexico with didn't realize that the quarters paid for heat in the floor of the glass box.
My brothers and I were not well supervised ... anyone of us would do just about anything when dared by each other. "Are you chicken?" Hahaha no, we weren't chicken - we were mostly young.
"Looking back now, well it makes me laugh
We were growin our hair, we were cuttin' class
Knew it all already, there was nothing to learn
We were strikin' matches just to watch 'em burn
Listen to our music just a little too loud
We were hangin' in there with the outcast crowd
Headin' to the rapids with some discount beer
It was a long train tussle but we had no fear.
Man I don't know, where the time goes
But It sure goes fast, just like that
We were wanna be rebels who didn't have a clue
With our Rock n' roll T-shirts, and our typically bad attitudes
Had no excuses for the things that we'd done
We were brave, we were crazy, we were mostly
Young ..."~lyrics Kenny Chesney
I'm not current on country music - when this came my best friend from back in the day called and said, "Go find this one you're gonna love it." I do.
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