The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Sunday, December 13, 2015

It is slightly less delightful to sip my nice hot coffee with these two watching my every move
Sammy's begging for an early morning walk ... the cat is just noisy

Yesterday we hit the Farmer's Market bright and early - well not so bright, it was OVC and gusty. I like to go out there for breakfast tacos before we shop. Mostly, I buy fresh cuts of local proteins and eggs out there - the local grocery stores have beautiful produce (and fresh tortilla!)
It is good to be back in Texas.

Later I tried to wrangle the glitter stampede in our living room. Decorating this year has been harder then I expected. Our things don't look "just right" here, but I'm working on it. That sled is from my husband's childhood in Germany where is dad was stationed. I've almost finished the mantle - pic later.

Most importantly, C, aka IV, arrived not a moment too soon last night with a couple of her friends. They are sound asleep now, and probably will be for a while yet.  I love having them here. (That location share option - rocks!)

This may be my December/end of year picture, Snapped this week.  I think I'll look in "photos" for one taken this same week last year when most of December was spent in a hospital room.
Well ... that was not a good idea.  Apparently a breaking heart is clearly visible on one's face. 
Other than that ... more grey in hair, and bangs added this year ... and I look happier now.

1 comment:

Gretchenjoanna said...

I like your picture. You do look happy...Good luck with the decorating! I am taking a week off from mine, to watch my grandchildren in another city, and when I get home it will be almost Christmas! But I still have some things to finish.