The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

before L's office party
jackets and out the door … 
Today I have to hurry up and finish raking, and I'm thinking I'm glad it's not snow I'm shoveling.  I have only the morning to complete what I can get done before the guys come to apply lime to the lawns, before I leave to go complete a flight review for some one.  Today the trucks, those brown ones, are running in the neighborhood making me think about how easy it seems to be to give stuff…to get stuff.  I need a few days to sit still and rake through my thoughts, shovel out the stuff I don't need to be thinking about.  This is what I like about raking (well, I like watching the pile grow to the biggest one ever), I like the shadow cast by the leafless pecan tree, how big the tree has gotten in the time we've lived here, the swing that used to hang in it, and most of all the way the shadow moves through the day dialing the passage of time.  How fun it is to see sunrise from my front porch in relation to that tree … how nice it is to have the time to observe that.
And … I was thinking about "do-overs" … what would my do-overs be if do-overs were an option.
I would have really liked perpetrating the Santa myth.  We didn't.  I wish we had.


John Venlet said...

Today I have to hurry up and finish raking, and I'm thinking I'm glad it's not snow I'm shoveling.

Raking? D, you'd be right being thankful it's not snow you're shoveling. Today is the first day in the past 9 that we'll not receive fresh snow to shovel. We've been receiving anywhere from an inch to six inches per day. Thankfully, most of the snow has been the fluffy kind. My Armstrong snow blower, meaning, me and my shovel, are thankful for today's break from the action.

You and L look both look sharp. You make that LBD (little black dress). Hope you both had a nice time.

DeAnn said...

We did, and thanks! I definitely earned the pre-outing martini!

Yep, that's the snow I was thinking of. Would really love to visit Alaska … an extended visit, but the snow is intimidating!

John Venlet said...

Today I have to hurry up and finish raking, and I'm thinking I'm glad it's not snow I'm shoveling.

That may be true, but, if you're only visiting, I doubt you'll have to pick up a shovel.