Slept well. I stayed up til oneish - late for me, but slept til five - four straight hours is good. I made myself not fret about stuff when I woke up and soon I was back asleep. Woke at six and told myself to snuggle in, that time I slept til almost eight. I have a class at 1:00 and I've been offered an observation flight. My enthusiam is low - for me. That's okay. Where enthusiam ends resolve takes over. That is one of my favorite things about me. I finish what I start. When things become difficult I get busy finding a way. Sometimes, "it" takes longer ...and I have learned this year that somethings are simply no gos and you gotta recognize that when you see it. Like that broken jar of peaches - I can't put glass shards back into a useful jar shape ... the peaches are lost ... somethings can't be undone. This flight training stuff isn't that kind of thing. My father in law had a rock tumbler - you'd toss a clod shaped chunk in and later a polished stone would come out. I guess I was more of a clod then I suspected! I felt like God said yes to this use of my time when I asked him. My husband did too. Last night my husband helped me remember that. He also suggested that those dreams I'm remembering may be about trust. His take:
I'm on a journey and things go from good/normal to confusing/outside my control. In the dreams I conclude that I am - unable. In both dreams I decide to wait - patiently.
That's not my usual path through adversity. Usually I feel between the proverbial rock and hard place and I pull out a pick and hammer and start the demo ... or ... that type of destructive behavior. It's pretty amazing to see that I am thinking before freaking. That's pretty good - better. It's kinda amusing that I am almost too exhausted by this trek to do anything but just patiently wait. All that noise spooling up - all that chaos out at the flight school - all those hurdles popping up ... It's going to be okay.
Last night I dreamed I was talking to some friends after my check ride. It went fine. I said no problem - it was easy ... the check pilot reminded me of my favorite CFI.
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