The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yesterday I made salsa with a fresh mango. Usually I, well always I have used dried mangoes. It's good - very good. I broiled talapia smothered in it (and butter of course) for dinner last night. Everyone liked it. The new grocery store had the best looking cilantro I've seen since my Dad stopped gardening. Well anyway, I'm trying to cook better and eat better (remember that carrot cake epiphany?) and that is not easy in a home with a lot of different palates. But I was energized by the pants I took out of my closet yesterday morning and put on - the ones that my husband said made me look fabulous - that's my word ... he might have said skinny or some other bigfatlie (that should be repeated as often as possible)... those pants didn't fit yesterday because they were about an inch too tight and I thought dang that trip to the Cheese Cake Factory really came home to roost fast! This is why I am posting this minute - not my usual schedule: Those pants were not my pants! They looked like my pants and were hanging in my closet, but not mine ... and that is noteworthy! Honestly, it is a miracle that I could pull those pants all the way on and think about lying down on my bed to zip them the way we used to do in High School when everyone was poured in to skin tight jeans. That wardrobe error was definitely on my mind all day yesterday, but tonight as I got ready for class, I went into my closet and found my real pants ... and they fit just fine. Sigh.

Other than negotiating the treacherous path that we women are fated to follow, I have been happily busy dining on CFI ground material. I especially enjoyed the work on the regions of command. I'll write on that later because I realized that it totally applies to life as well as aerodynamics.

And I saw that baby with the great smile today.

Gettago teach ground school for my private guys.

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