The winds of change and circumstance
Blow in and all around us
So we find a foothold that's familiar
And bless the moments that we feel you nearer.
~Nichole Nordemon (*I AM)
He is building a familiar foothold. I remembered ... it is an intentional endeavor.
"Philip Yancey notes that there are three things that greatly increase suffering: fear, hopelessness, and loneliness.* Fear can magnify pain in the mind to the point where it becomes intolerable - not because the pain is itself unendurable, but because fear is so devastating to the mind. Hopelessness makes a person "give up" and cease to struggle, greatly magnifying the suffering, as in the case of Elie Wiesel when his father died. Loneliness, even without other suffering, is misery; and when we are suffering, the loneliness exacerbates every weakness because the mind as well as the body is in pain."
Why Does It Have To Hurt? The meaning of Christian Suffering. Dan G. McCartney (page 109)
*Where Is God When It Hurts? Yancey (149-158)
Psalms 13 is given as an example of "faith conquering fear" ... even though the psalmist hasn't received an answer he finds peace as he reaches a place (a foothold) where he can again trust.
These were the words I wrote in my book:
Fear -> Faith
Despair -> Hope
Loneliness -> Love
... there then remains these three ... (I Cor.13:13)
I sat in Sunday School near the window wall where I could feel the early morning heat on my back, and brushed away the tiny little tear which had pooled and fell before I could get my game face back on ... I am circled back to these words ... the words on my wrist ... (
protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres ~ loves
... not so you or anyone can see them, they are invisible, but I know they are there).
Psalm 27 ... expressions of faith
Psalm 23 ... fearing no evil among the deep shadows
Psalms 22 ... hope
Psalm 42 ... intentional/deliberate hope
"But sometimes we find ourselves in places where no one comes to sit with us. It is then that we most need to remember that God is there with us... ." (Why Does It Have to Hurt, McCartney, pg. 121) And I'm thinking certainly there are places where no one comes to sit with us ... maybe we think we know who to invite, but for one good reason or another, we sit apparently alone. And sometimes our aloneness leaves a seat open to sitting with whomever might just wander up ... and maybe they are even good company ... but they can't possibly understand where you are sitting. Their company becomes a (perhaps welcome/relieving) distraction, but ... you still know you're sitting there alone.
Psalms 131 ... quieting one's soul
And for me I struggle to direct my waning strength to find the footholds most familiar. I really need to feel God nearer.