The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Friday, July 12, 2013

Very foggy outside and there's condensation on the windows.  I like the way it feels.  Also like these little African Violets.  They remind me of my grandmother, and of my daughters.  I like the continuity of it.
My little 10 hour a week job keeps me busy.  I can fit it in with other important stuff with a bit of effort ... and it lends itself to allowing freedom to do other things.  I'm thinking about it because I have recently seen a full time job that I am interested in.  I'm trying to think about working full-time as opposed to part time.

It would probably be a lot like how it was when I worked while my husband was back at school.  It would probably be like having two jobs.  That's the down side ... . It's pretty stressful for me to feel like I'm "failing" at keeping all the balls up in the air, and adding more balls without figuring out how to offload a few would create problems for me.  The big plus side I think would be that one's contributions were appreciated (you know that because they pay you ... lol).  Definitely something to think about.

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