The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, February 25, 2013

Water chestnuts @ the Asian Market (pretty color palette) and the view from my front porch right now. Current conditions fit the words of my early morning reading; " discern the face of the sky as it grows black, and to find the sun obscured, and the heavens angry and frowning!"   It's not raining everywhere though, here, yes, the ground is soaked and still it showers, but just a bit above it's the prettiest blue over a fairly smooth layer of white.  Just showery ... no TCU's around here, not angry and frowning, just getting the ground ready to wake up spring.

This weekend we looked for my next project, but came up short.  I find myself with nothing much to do today.  My restlessness had Sammy waiting at the back door to just go outside.  He'd rather watch the rain from the back porch I guess.  Yesterday I baked a cake from scratch, probably my second one in thirty some odd years.  My family was very enthusiastic about it (there are two) but I'm not a big fan of the recipe.  I think every cake that isn't an Italian Creme Cake really should be a variation on a pound cake.
Well ... I should do something productive ... .

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