The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, August 27, 2012


Pretty much a perfect day.  Really ... I want to remember some stuff from today.
When I woke up this morning I was happier then usual because while asleep I dreamed myself in that place where I flew to in my loop dream.  It's a really good place.  I should try to describe it, but ... I don't know a place like that.  It's more about how it feels there.  The road I was walking along was dirt ... that soft dirt that's more like sand ... powdery dirt, and the road, while it seemed to be an old road, was cut in and maintained by one of those yellow tractor things. It feels like an old place ... comfortable, familiar. This place feels like out in the country, it's natural, alive, and there are people there, but I didn't see anyone I know from life.  It's peaceful there.  There's a big ... huge ... tree with a swing hanging in it, and the rope is so long that you can really go way too high ... and the grass is soft underfoot. Remembering it, I see my feet bare which I never do unless I am at the coast. I think it may be near the coast, but I haven't seen any birds there, so, I'm not sure.  This is what I want to remember ... people were singing there.  Oh man, it was great.  I heard three different people singing during my dream ... they had really wonderful voices. One, a man, was singing in what seemed like a very clean small barn ... the acoustics were amazing and I remember looking at the structure's shape wondering how the space was constructed to carry the sound around so well.  I noted that it has like a barn roof at that time and the singer noticed that I was looking around, my eyes searching the probably flow of the sound.  He smiled at me and nodded ... like, yep, it's a cool space to sing in.  Hearing them filled me with happy.  When I woke up I could humm one of the songs, but I have forgotten it entirely now.  The other thing that I barely remember is I heard a baby crying and I went towards the sound to help it.  I very gently placed my hand on it's chest to let it know that I was there and it immediately stopped crying, opened it's eyes and smiled in to me ... and suddenly there were seven babies, they were all smiling at me.  In the dream I thought how strange that they all look exactly alike and move in sync with one another.  I said to them everything will be all right now.
I like that I have constructed such a nice place.  A barefoot place, a place where ropes are used for hanging swings, a place where music perfumes the air ... I am comfortable, without a care there.  Maybe it is heaven.  This isn't supposed to be a dream log, but ... I think I will always hope to visit this place in my sleep.  I want to remember it as well as possible when I am awake.

Next ... church.  Beautiful sermon about being a friend with the Holy Spirit.  The verses were from Ephesians 4 mainly.  Pastor used an illustration of a child at a Van Cliburn type event ... the child wanders on stage and begins tapping on the keys as children do ... the virtuoso joins the child and filling in the chords, together they create something special.  Pastor says we are "plunkers" ... all of us, but the Holy Spirit is just waiting in the wings for the opportunity to join us at the piano.  He made the point that the HS is sorta shy ... his friendship is not about acquiring and wielding referent power.  His power enables us to live more like Christ, not more powerfully entrenched in our frailties.

Later Two showed me this video ...  kinda cool ... . We spent some time together on the front porch. Then I had some time alone.  Still time.  I really like it, I like that I have learned how to be still.
I wanted to re-read that loop dream thing I noted and I wanted to think about the place I flew to ... the place trust flew me to.  A favorite place.  People wonder at these words this  somethings are true which never happened ... attributed to Elie Wiesel ... this dreamed place happened again, it feels quite true "... life does not consist mainly -- or even largely -- of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever blowing through one's head. " ~ Mark Twain  I  think these guys are on to something.

 It cracks me up that I basically sat on the porch tossing seeds, landing them on Redbud leaves ... ridiculously amusing and other then that doing nothing 'cept noting the wild life and the breeze ... and ... wondering about random goofy stuff ... relaxing.


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