The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Thursday, February 24, 2011

As I wait for whatever it is I am waiting for, I can feel the life of a full-time home-maker creeping back in to my daily activities. I feel trapped by this ... a good life with a lot of shoulds in it.

I should be happy.
I should be ... thankful.
I should be ... all those should bes.
I should be.

Today ... in just a minute I am to start getting ready for a ladies bible study group ... on Daniel. I've already done this particular study and I liked it a lot. I am not really into Bible prophecy ... well, not at all. I'm pretty interested in all the flying scarey stuff portrayed in Revelation, but as for a picture of the future, not so much. I've looked at it enough to see what I think. I think it ends well for the good guys ... and then something else starts ... the sequel looks pretty promising.

This is how I start getting ready for a ladies bible study. I'll stand in my closet looking for something cute and wondering what the other ladies will be wearing ... I will have to be not too cutely dressed, but not under dressed ... what I wear will decide how the other ladies treat me ... for starters.
I'll straighten my hair ... that will take awhile and I'll put it in a ponytail like I almost always do. Someone will say something about how long it is ... they'll make it sound like a compliment but it will be quickly followed up some little pick like ... I wish my hair was that easy, and they'll laugh knowingly with each other. I will sweep the room noticing everyone elses hair-dos. I will see severe bobs angled towards the shoulder blades on some and hair helmets lacquered tightly in place on others. I'll probably be the only woman there with out some hair color product. I'll be glad that I have on full make up ... like a mask (not coated on just the full deal, mascara, eye liner and all.) I'll also notice that I am the only woman in the room who isn't doing a weekly manicure with the fingernail shops ... I will think about up-grading my nails this afternoon ... that could go either way quite frankly ... nothing says what gorgeous nails say quite like gorgeous nails. Gorgeous nails get in the way in the airplane ... gorgeous nail speak the same language that adorable high heel sandals speak ... speaking of which ... today is a sandal day for sure.

I'll find a seat and I'll say a prayer probably ... silently ... I'll ask God to help something wonderful come out of this experience. I should get going ... the least I could do is brush on some clear nail polish. Yeah, I should do that.


Boy was I wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong. First of all, this wasn't the mean girl group. This was the older ladies group ... the older ladies who I especially love group ... and the pilot's wife who everyone says I would get along with so well. I didn't get the nail polish on before I left and it turns out that it didn't matter at all. As I sat there, listening I realized that this bible study on Daniel was the last important totally non aviation related thing I did right before I got back in to flying and thinking about flying stuff. I'm not saying that I think I'm not going to be flying and thinking about flying stuff for pretty much until I can't but I do think the CFI certificate introducted a different time in my flying career. Getting to see the Daniel study again is kind of like a bookend. The study is basically about integrity. I really liked it. I'm excited about making another in depth look at it. And something else kinda coincidental ... I said I would help out with teaching English as a second language at church and that girl that everyone says is like me is doing that too. Maybe we would like each other.

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