Yesterday was ... well, it had it's rough moments ... it's those little planes flying over. I love to see the big guys scratching contrails white and long against the blue sky. Where are they headed ... how high are they ... how cold is their metal ... I watch them, if I can, 'til they disappear behind the trees. I never think I should be flying that one. I almost always say a prayer for their safety while I watch the evidence that they flew over dissipate or whatever the winds aloft are promoting at that time in that place.
I love to hear helicopters fly over, their engines chopping out sound waves scattered all around by the rotors. Helicopters just sound cool. I never think I should be flying one of those.
It's the little planes ... the small singles and the light twins that catch at my heart ... I don't watch them. They make my eyes a bit blurry.
This is a time for waiting to see what's really going to happen. This is a time for composing myself ... re-setting my class notes for this different group of ground students who I hope are signing up for my class. This is a different time. In a way it's kind of exciting ... like meeting a new person that you think you like ... maybe you'll learn something important from the time spent with them ... maybe they will make you smile or even laugh out loud and leave a happy memory that can be openned again ... like a gift. I have a package in the hall waiting for a few more pieces and then it will be mailed to a friend of someone I admire. In the box I have placed my favorite booklet of postcards ... I bought them for myself on a happy day several years ago and when I take them out (of the drawer of my bedside table) and look at them I feel that same happy radiating through time. The recipient of these postcards will experience them totally differently ... I know that. She will choose from among the complete booklet and send them out to people she wants to bless. I love the idea of that. I never intended to pull the set apart ... i always meant to pass it along intact. If I love it so much how can I let it go? I can let it go because it is a thing, because the happy from it has been savored enough, and because I have some other pictures that I also love to look at and think about now. I made that connection today when I was doing yoga ... there are some images that I love to see when I close my eyes. They are pictures taken from inside an airplane ... all of my favorites, the ones I can see best when I close my eyes, are of the sky ... clouds and light ... maybe a tiny little planet way out there helping keep our universe in harmony. Today, I feel like I can wait patiently again ...
“Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles, and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself?” ~ Lao-tzu
That's it ... just a note today. I always feel better when I work out. I think I could be spending this time training for that trail deal. I've got shoes and I've got ground ... my dog would be interested in helping out with that.
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