The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I've been "running" on the elliptical routinely since the first of the year ... all of our city recreation centers have nice facilities for people who want to work out for free and don't mind showering elsewhere. So far I like it. The "free and nice" was appealing, but it's turning out that I see different people then I'm used to seeing and now that they're used to seeing me, they are back to talking and joking with each other (and sometimes with me) ... it's a different kind of ambiance then the gym with the people who are willing to pay for all the amenities. Just btw, when we visited Baylor University recently I was blown away by their work out facilities and also by the diversity of people using the equipment. I asked the tour guide about it and she said anyone associated with Baylor in any way has full privileges ... wow, and that is how it should be it seems to me. Students, Deans, Janitors, Librarians, Alum ... everyone was represented. Baylor seemed like a thriving community. Four would love to attend college there. I thought she would be thrown off by the fact that there are no diving boards in the pool house ... she has been our state's diving champ every year since she was 8 but has recently given up diving (in favor of being a very tall girl ...). Not a problem. Back to "running" ... lately, when the weather's high and you can stretch right up and touch the sky ... I'm taking Sammy (Great Pyrenees) out for a brisk hour long walk. We are really working at training him to walk rather then caste about for the next pit stop. I am teaching him that I will release him to his "fancy" only at fire hydrants. He can easily pull me anywhere he wants to go, so it is important that he wants what he thinks I want. I left the house with him yesterday intending to walk only, but was seduced by a combination of my recent successes on the elliptical, his compliance, a rock and roll tune in the iPod, and most importantly, a down hill stretch which I knew would terminate at a fire hydrant ... perfect. Perfect, except the running shoes were in my closet and the Vans were on my feet. Sammy did such a great job with the little run that we did several little runs ... gotta get that heart to pumping ... last year he pulled my feet right out from under me, and next thing I knew I was sitting in the middle of the street with a bloody nose and road rash on my palms. He has settled down a lot this year. that's what I was thinking about yesterday when we ran ... today I am thinking about shine splints. There is a huge difference between running on the cross trainer and pounding down hill on asphalt! These are old bones I'm working with! They are demanding a little respect today! I will proceed with care (and gingerly for the next day or two I suspect).

So, one of my buddies, who bases here locally, has a little maintenance flight today and has invited me to fly along. He wasn't sure when ... maybe this morning ... maybe this afternoon ... he'll give me at least a thirty minute warning to get out to the airport. I'm going to tidy up my kitchen and get my flight bag set to go ... and Sammy will have to be content to stay a bit closer to home today ... we'll have to do laps rather then roam mode. I am looking forward to a little fresh air ... the fresh found up there.

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