The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, March 19, 2012

The bamboo pole plan ... ummm, plan C, was working beautifully right up to the point where I came home late Saturday night and "tested" the attachment.  It's all cleaned up and ready to go again.  This time I'll let it set for ... awhile, maybe a week.  I'm also going to finish the seal with DAP.   Dap dries a lot fast then the adhesive stuff.  I wonder if that is a good idea the DAP might seal the stuff off from curing, like the seal on the lid of the container.  Hmmm, I think less product and no DAP 'til maybe next week end.

This week, back to door sanding ... may see rain later in week.  And I have a trip to chaperone on Friday.  I haven't been to the WWII museum in the past 15 years.  That's a thing with a big family, you get to see the same stuff over and over again when once might have been enough.  The good thing about that is these trips can be all about V and I enjoy watching her see the exhibits more then seeing the exhibits myself.  It's interesting to notice what pauses her.

Another thing I am working on is getting the grocery spending down.  I can't believe how expensive groceries are.  That's it ... .

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