The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I look through a different window now to see the sun low on the horizon ... Early morning light glides through the rose vine, mostly vine now, no roses, but still a few leaves. It's the whole frame, but specifically the "stories" hanging there which I am thankful for. How do the birds know it's there? Yesterday it looked like a local Starbucks during the morning drive ... at the current level of interest, the block of mixed seed will last maybe six weeks. My entire family is enjoying seeing the variety of birds, though I think even one visitor would suffice ... inviting enough pleasure to fund the feeder.

A few observations and curiousities thus far.

I hung the feeder and birds began to show up. How did they know it was there? Do they tell their "friends"?
Types of birds I have never seen are arriving. Some of them cooperate and dine together ... Bigger birds seem to want alone time ... smaller birds wait, watching from a distance. The bigger birds exude entitlement ... They perch on top of the feeder, probably for balance. The smaller birds are lithe, more agile, landing on the sides and making room for one another.

The feeder hangs under the roof out of the weather. Rain would spoil the food ... Wind would scatter the seeds on to the porch and surrounding flower beds. I put the feeder close to the house, just a couple of feet away from a window. I thought that would be best for the birds, also providing a view of the activity. Does God do that for us? Encourage us towards a safer place where we might be cared for. Does he delight to see us enjoying the gifts He has carefully provided?

Seed falls from the block and scatters below. My husband said the birds are leaving little thank-you notes under your feeder ... He is talking about the little bird droppings on the porch. Yes ... that. Birds are messy. The fallen seeds intermingle with the droppings ... Birds shuffle through the mess looking for scraps. Just like us. I would be happy to keep the feeder filled and the porch clean ... happy to wash spoiled kernels away with the poop. Some of the birds seem to prefer the less optimal experience.

I'm thankful for the bird feeder.

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