The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, December 26, 2011

Lying under an acacia tree with the sound of the dawn around me, I realized more clearly the facts that man should never overlook: that the construction of an airplane, for instance, is simple when compared [with] a bird; that airplanes depend on an advanced civilization, and that where civilization is most advanced, few birds exist. I realized that If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes.

— Charles A. Lindbergh, interview shortly before his death, 1974.

And I do not know what Mr. Lindbergh was thinking when he said this. I copied it here because I liked the turn of phrase ...with the sound of dawn around me ... It must be an easy truth to see that the simplest bird is far more complex then the most sophisticated Airbus. Yeah ... I think so, at least for now. History holds the secrets of civilizations which may have been more or less civilized then what we believe our own to be. It seems to me that even while technology advances that civilization rolls backwards ... are we becoming more civilized? Maybe I am missing the forest as I hike through the trees. If he is comparing the creations of mankind to God's creations, that's interesting. Is he suggesting that as we advance we fool ourselves in to believing we are gods? Is this a metaphor? Is he suggesting that we "squeeze" God out as we marvel at our trinkets?

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