The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Sunday, December 4, 2011

“For Equilibrium, a Blessing:

Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.

Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

As water takes whatever shape it is in,
So free may you be about who you become.

As silence smiles on the other side of what's said,
May your sense of irony bring perspective.

As time remains free of all that it frames,
May your mind stay clear of all it names.

May your prayer of listening deepen enough
to hear in the depths the laughter of god.”
― John O'Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings

Can a person "invoke". Can a person really "bless"another by saying some words? Right now I think doling out blessings is actually at God's discretion. I am concerned about the idea of a mere mortal dispensing ... . Someone sneezes, I do automatically say "God bless you ... " passes as good manners though it's just words. Sounds better then "Ewwww, cover your mouth!"
Someone said O'Donohue was a Christian Druid. Hmmm. I don't know. Thinking.

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