The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sitting here with a roaring fire remembering the picture and the post about coming through a fire and not even smelling like smoke. Beth Moore on Daniel ... I remember saying I would run through fire for something ... I remember wishing to stay and play in a fire too. That fire is toasting up this room ... so nice. I can enjoy it from over here ... any closer and it just might burn me up.

H called. That's what sat me down in here. She's gonna call right back. Maybe ... child wrangling rewrites intentions sometimes. Her little girl doesn't want to change to a winter wardrobe. She wants to clothe herself in what was just perfect for Fall. Yeah, I remember. And we talked about how we do that spiritually too. I brought it up. Cause I'm looking at that fire across the room ... and I'm remembering.

That fire is mesmerizing ... it makes me want to sit with a friend I've never met in a place I've never been.

Christmas music may be just the thing.


Dean said...

"sit with a friend I've never met"
Very poetic and makes the mind tumble with thoughts. I've always liked things like that or movies that border on the unimaginable. The best example I can think of is Terminator. John Connor's father goes back in time to save his mother and fathers him. But his father Klye was sent back in time by John Connor. Your sentence was much easier to read than my desciption. Ha!

DeAnn said...

Tumble. Great picture in a word and almost exactly how it feels to sit anrebook back or even look forward.
Yep ... Something's tumble your gyros and suddenly you gotta go back to the old ways to find true north ... Or maybe it's the other way, where one is so stubbornly off course with a precessed HI that tumbling is the first step to finding the way.
Thx for the comment. I like scifi too.

DeAnn said...

...sit and look back or even forward ... , the morning coffee hasn't reached my finger tips yet!

Dean said...

"A tumbling gyro." Wow! That's is exactly what my head has been doing for the last 3 years. Ha! Where is that caging knob???
"True North" another one I like. My old football coach always told me to run North with the football. He meant the goal line but I've found north & true north are not always the same.(besides in navigation) I have to thank my literature teacher for making me look for more meaning in a word than what's on the surface. Only I really get messed up when a word is just a word and I'm looking for the double meaning! Ha!