The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Because I was thinking about honey bees and their "super" yesterday, I liked the coincidental opportunity to snap a shot of this little guy. He landed on top of the car as I was trying to help C out after her wisdom tooth appointment.  I was wondering if the bee had enough umph left in him to want to sting anyone and thinking she wouldn't even feel it ... she was feeling no pain.  Her dad said she does "happy lopey" just like her momma.  

This pinged in today and I found it amusing and somewhat alarming at the same time.  Boy do they have my number!  AC/DC ... cooking ... great programing.  I have never purchased a cooking app ... didn't even know such a thing existed ... nor have I bought TV shows on iTunes, we use Netflex and Hulu I believe.  I'm working my way through all the Ken Burns docs right now, so I can't imagine needing iTunes TV ... but if I did I would certainly be shopping for some kinda discount!  Wow.  At first glance I was like, "WT?! AC/DC holiday music?!!" lol ... just happy and not even lopey.  Easily amused my brother would say.

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