Conroy looked up how many cells are in the average human body – 50 trillion or so – and multiplied that by the 6 billion people on Earth. And he came up with about 300 sextillion.
So the number of stars in the universe "is equal to all the cells in the humans on Earth – a kind of funny coincidence," Conroy said. as in Harvard astrophysicist Charlie Conroy, from this article in the Huffington Post
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~ found image here |
I should have snapped a picture of the sign on the wall at the CDC that made a comparison of the number of cells in the human body to the number of stars in ... the galaxy?...the universe? It wakes me up at night ... the comparison, whatever it is, amazes me ... and ... seeing the BODIES exhibition, the elegance of our systems, well, I am overwhelmed with the beauty of us. Lotsa "pieces". I guess. the thing for me, was seeing the actual systems. I like that about airplanes and apparently, I like that about our earth suits too. I like seeing how stuff works. That's probably why the exhibit made such an impression on me.
I know I'm thinking about all that somewhere on a back-burner in my subconscious. Last night I woke up thinking about the body as "the body of Christ" as the component parts which I'm thinking of as "believers" ... like this comparison, for example:
from I Corinthians 12 - Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.
This is just my random musing ... Last night I was thinking about all the stuff that each person experiences during a lifetime ... each little thought, action, impression, impulse ... while we are awake, as we sleep, intentional, involuntary, accidental, incidental ... all that. (I have a fingernail growing right this second ... it will help me lift a hair from my sweater ... I may paint it ... I may clip it ... I almost never give it a thought, but it stays busy replacing itself just in case I want to scratch something.) None of that is really what I was thinking, I was thinking about "us" ... and what each mind boggling - ly huge, yet relatively insignificant, one of us ... what we might represent. I'm thinking about the "injection" of sin in to our dynamic and also about the significance of the eradication of sin ... (you know, and what is sin anyway? I'm gonna say it's something that scoots us further away from God). I'm going to say that Christ came as an anecdote for/to sin. I'm going to say that sin is any kind, every kind, of evil. And last night ... I was thinking about how "sin" affects me, just little ole me. There's wrong stuff I do without thinking and there's wrong stuff I do because I chose to ... stuff I do habitually, probably stuff, not good, that I do that I don't even recognize as wrong ... "sin" that I generate ... and then also represented by me, "sin" which is done to me (like, crime against) ... If sin can be thought of as a fracture in my vessel then I think maybe I can best express what I'm trying to say as ... fractures caused from within and fractures caused from outside actions ...
What if what Christ did had to be big enough to "cover" all that sin ... to repair all that brokenness?
Until last night, I never had really thought of "sin covered by the blood of Christ" as anything other then the sin one might/does commit. I never have thought of what He did as "covering ... recovering ... " what someone else's sin visits upon us. And yet ... introduction of sin by either source, external or internal, intends to do the same thing I think. This is what I'm thinking about ... If there is a God ... The God ... If The God is paying attention ... why would He let/did He let ... this horrible/sad (never the wonderful stuff, it's always the bad stuff, right?) ... wrong stuff ... happen to me/him/her/them/us? When I think that it does move me further away from God. Sin moves us away from God.
Each individual one of us ... invited to become part of the body of Christ ... the bride of Christ ... . I'm thinking about all those cells that it takes to make a body ... and I'm imagining what it would look like ... it would look a little bit like all those stars that I wish I could see.
“Night is purer than day; it is better for thinking and loving and dreaming. At night everything is more intense, more true. The echo of words that have been spoken during the day takes on a new and deeper meaning. The tragedy of man is that he doesn't know how to distinguish between day and night. He says things at night that should only be said by day.” ~ Elie Wiesel (probably because of the stars...)
Each individual one of us ... offered cover ... offered what is precisely spiritual healing/wellness.
Each offered nearness.
I can see why not forgiving something/someone keeps "that" sin present and how "that sin" removes us somewhat from nearness to God. I can see how an unwillingness, or inability, to forgive is in fact sin. I can see how forgiving places us nearer to where we might be healed from the hurt of that sin. And I can see why it was/is important to God to come in after us ...
Gosh I love that verse about He is mindful that we are just dust. We might do well to remember as well.
"Man dies: nor is there hope in dust." ~ TENNYSON ~In Memoriam
"Man dies: nor is there hope in dust." ~ TENNYSON ~In Memoriam
Psalms 103:14 ... for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust
Ecclesiastes 12:7 ... and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Isaiah 29:16 ...You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, "He did not make me"? Can the pot say of the potter, "He knows nothing"?
What if the possible number of types of sin/evil is similar to the number of stars in the sky or the number of cells in one body, the body that becomes the Bride for example ... what if all that "unholiness" has to be answered ... asked and answered ... before the Wedding Feast. I think it does have to be settled. I think it was settled and is presently playing out in time.
Well, I'm trying to work out my thinking on this.
I guess I'm thinking that each person is a potential platform for ... not only the atoning process on a personal level, but that each representation/manifestation of sin must be atoned for sin to be eradicated ... covering each one closes the box on sin through eternity.
Added on Friday evening, 2 November ...
and what I was wondering about, but didn't say very well was ... all through out the Bible one can see the same story being told and retold ... like this for example: Abraham has a son who is clearly very precious to him, and a shortcut through the story is that he was asked to sacrifice him, Isaac (interesting to me, Isaac means laughter, or he laughed). Abraham (and Isaac, but they don't say that, I just think that) was going to go through with the sacrifice, for no other apparent reason then this: that God instructed it ... in obedience to God (we're talking throat slitting here)... and via divine intervention, Isaac's life (and I bet it would have killed Abraham too) was spared and a ram took the place. I think I begin to understand the price of the gift of salvation ... and thus the magnitude of the breach.
Christ, who is the Son of God, came to the entire world as a willing sacrificial atonement for sin/all sin.
So, all I'm saying is all over the Bible major events are layered through time ... call it foreshadowing maybe. The idea I'm thinking about ... something, some situation happens and a person or some people make a choice ... and when they chose to let God do whatever he wants to with the thing it seems to work out well (especially in the long run). I see these Bible guys "relaxing" towards relinquishing their will to God's will and ... especially when they don't "know" how it's going to work out. When they let go of it, God handles it. He handles it in a complete kinda way ... like now that's taken care of once and for all.
I'm wondering if each little ugly mutation of evil/sin is sieved through a soul who can chose to ... give it to God ... and then ... God finishes it.
I don't know if what I'm trying to express makes sense yet. I know what I'm thinking, I just haven't worked out how to express it. I do know that everyone gets "dinged" with stuff, and I have noticed that relinquishing the pain of stuff to God's hands enables bad stuff to render surprisingly "good" outcomes. Not that the bad thing became a good thing, but that good can come out of what seems headed towards only bad.
Added on Friday evening, 2 November ...
and what I was wondering about, but didn't say very well was ... all through out the Bible one can see the same story being told and retold ... like this for example: Abraham has a son who is clearly very precious to him, and a shortcut through the story is that he was asked to sacrifice him, Isaac (interesting to me, Isaac means laughter, or he laughed). Abraham (and Isaac, but they don't say that, I just think that) was going to go through with the sacrifice, for no other apparent reason then this: that God instructed it ... in obedience to God (we're talking throat slitting here)... and via divine intervention, Isaac's life (and I bet it would have killed Abraham too) was spared and a ram took the place. I think I begin to understand the price of the gift of salvation ... and thus the magnitude of the breach.
Christ, who is the Son of God, came to the entire world as a willing sacrificial atonement for sin/all sin.
So, all I'm saying is all over the Bible major events are layered through time ... call it foreshadowing maybe. The idea I'm thinking about ... something, some situation happens and a person or some people make a choice ... and when they chose to let God do whatever he wants to with the thing it seems to work out well (especially in the long run). I see these Bible guys "relaxing" towards relinquishing their will to God's will and ... especially when they don't "know" how it's going to work out. When they let go of it, God handles it. He handles it in a complete kinda way ... like now that's taken care of once and for all.
I'm wondering if each little ugly mutation of evil/sin is sieved through a soul who can chose to ... give it to God ... and then ... God finishes it.
I don't know if what I'm trying to express makes sense yet. I know what I'm thinking, I just haven't worked out how to express it. I do know that everyone gets "dinged" with stuff, and I have noticed that relinquishing the pain of stuff to God's hands enables bad stuff to render surprisingly "good" outcomes. Not that the bad thing became a good thing, but that good can come out of what seems headed towards only bad.
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