The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable." C.S.Lewis

... of your selfishness ... If I were not familiar with C.S. Lewis' lifestory, I would dismiss this quote out of hand because of  this one little phrase.
... I think it's equally likely in life that we avoid entanglements as we choose to be unselfish.
In the South it is common to hear someone actually say they will "cultivate" a friendship because that person may be influential at a later date. As in, I cultivate a friendship with you because you have horses and I like to ride. Or ... I will become friendly with them because their tailgate parties rock! ... Or they'll help me reach my objectives, whatever they are.
It seems to me that we may choose to wrap our hearts up for reasons other then selfishness.
Here's is a just an example:
What if I have a child who continually abuses our relationship ... selfishly squeezing what they want from me because our hearts are bound together ... and what if my heart breaks during that process? Don't I then have to wrap that little heart up just to be able to function in that unbreakable relationship? ... None of my children have "broken" my heart, but they could if anyone could ... My heart is at their disposal, because I embrace them in my heart ...
That's what happens when one loves. I think there are many opportunies in life where it's less selfish ... more responsible ... to avoid entanglements ... and sometimes those choices may grieve your heart.
Yeah ... Really.
I can think of a ton of senarios where keeping ones heart and love out of it would be best for all concerned. I've been attempting to live my life as though acting most loving is always the guide to right behavior.
One of the things I really love about flying ... and what it informs me is:  when there is a problem, it takes some thinking to "fix" it. Yeah ... Hopefully there is time to think, and hopefully I've done a lot of my thinking about how things are optimally supposed to go ... In other words, I understand,  let's say the systems for example, that indicator annunciates and I know what, some why's, a handful of when's, and some more what's. The airplane doesn't care if I love to fly. The airplane ... if it weren't an inanimate object, would really be hoping that I love to think.
What I'm saying goes to that think/feel deal that I am thinking ... And feeling (lol) about. Sometimes the most loving actions arise from reconciling the two processes. Are they separate processes? I don't think so ... I think they may be best when interwoven.  I think I would do well to "feel" just slightly less and "think" just slightly more.

It's good to finally putting two and two together on that loop dream ... as I re-read it, it provides some clarity to some things I have been trying to wrap my head and heart around.  I've said before here ... I can see this analogy ... my soul is to my body as a pilot is to their airplane.  That dream was a tutorial on trust ... I trusted that pilot I was flying with in the dream ... he was helping me learn some stuff about that airplane.   (July 2010 ... loop dream)  I liked that airplane ... it felt strong ... .  I liked that the pilot said I didn't have to handle it with kid gloves.  I take a very ladylike approach to almost everything ... I am careful about how I move around in life ... I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.  Now, I am starting to feel/think that it might be okay to just look out for myself a little bit ... not in a bad way, but like in that dream ... it seems so obvious that chilling out in the restraunt was a better choice then continuing to try to catch up with the other pilot.  For all I know, he was needing some time to see a man about a dog ... by that I mean ... people are able to take care of their own business ... it's not always my job to make sure everyone is happy.

On that pitcher of lemonade thing ... that is a strange choice ... I really drink (almost) only water ... with limes when possible.  I can't even imagine asking for lemonade.  I would like lemonade ... .

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