The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Monday, May 2, 2011

New music Monday!  Yeah ... some of' 'em are oldies even to me ... my husband has asked me not to play AC?DC in the house! Hahaha ... okay. I can not do that!

Sometimes I come across a book ... or a story ... about near death/ life after death/"I died for a minute and went to heaven and ..." every one of those things about heaven has music in common.  I think that is interesting.  That speaker/ researcher, Daniel Levitin, made a statement ... he said something like music is able to transfer complete messages more completely then mere words.  Hope I didn't mess that idea up too much!  That's what I think he said, here, several weeks after I heard him speak ... uhhh, maybe he should have sung the important parts of his talk.

So, back to that music in heaven idea.  Every one of those accounts say that all kinds of music is "put" together ... streaming concurrently ... and that the meter seems to be suspended. Beat would be a measurement of time so, it makes sense to me that in a place where time is not a factor ... measurements would be mute ... idk, just thinking.  It is impossible for me to imagine a place without time.  It is impossible to imagine all the genres of music that I enjoy hearing being played together.  I like the scripture in Revelation where a man, John, describes people from all ethnicities ... every group is represented ... together worshiping the Creator ... and Christ. It makes sense that they would bring all different types of music with them.

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