The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Thursday, April 12, 2012


from National Geographic site
Mount Everest with sun shining on top
sort of amazing image ... not enough" fire" to melt the ice
Sloth is usually listed alone.  But as I try to work with this I want to leave them together ... vanity may help set the place for sloth ... Idk.  For now, as they were when I first started looking for the list.

"Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust." ~Mason Cooley

"We excuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty." ~ Quintilian

"Stupidity talks, vanity acts." ~Victor Hugo

"The knowledge of yourself will preserve you from vanity." ~ Miguel de Cervantes (lol)


n.  Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence.

Sloth is defined as spiritual or emotional apathy, physically and/or emotionally inactive. 
Acedia is a Latin word, from Greek ἀκηδεία, meaning "Carelessness".

Sloth can also indicate a wasting due to lack of use, concerning a person, place, thing, skill, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement, or support to continue to exist.

I don't know, and I don't care ... sloth.

n.  Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness.

a. Something that is vain, futile, or worthless.

is the excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others.
Prior to the 14th century it did not have such narcissistic undertones, and merely meant futility.
self-idolatry ... pride

"Vanity well fed is benevolent. Vanity hungry is spiteful." ~ Mason Cooley

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