The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Friday, January 6, 2012

"It's said that a student pilot moves through four levels of learning: rote, understanding, application, correlation. There's a fifth level: inspiration."
AOPA ePilot training tip

I am loosing my sparkle on this stuff! ... Not certain I have it in me to "inspire" ... . I was so sure about instructing when I saw it as helping someone learn how to fly an airplane, how to operate safely and knowledgeably within the flight environment. It's a business with a skanky little underbelly it seems. And yet so many pilots seem to be straight up decent people ... . Hmmm.

Today I have decided to disengage from instructing with the start up operation I have been working with. I am seeing that I am just not cut-throat enough to want to spend my moments there. Even working though the "mis-understandings" seems like too much effort for the potential return. A breech of trust is ... Well, I don't need this. I don't want to need to fly so badly that it bends me in to someone I don't want to be. Welcome to the tribe, we are cannibals. I said that. It's truer then it needs to be. I am not a cannibal ... . I don't wanna eat or be eaten. There must be another way for me. I told my "buddy" that the fact that I had to watch my back with the operation simply is not worth the time in the air. Today I am hunkering in to my "I don't care" mode. ... I'm making progress though ... Swear switch isn't jiggling and I'm going to go out the door and walk my big carefree dog ... He never looks up when an airplane flies over ... His biggest joy is the next tree ... Easily within reach. Later today I am going to Home Depot to look for those curved blocks ... I'm going to build a fire pit in the back yard. Nothing to it, just stacked no mortar. Then ... I'm gonna start burning stuff. I like fires. One foot in front of the other will take me past this little disappointment. It's really not even that big a deal ... .
... found photo of what I'm thinking to build ... This does have a finish course which must have been mortared in place ... Bricks at Home Depot total cost of project approx fifty bucks.

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