The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Because of our poor relationship w the FSDO , and because we don't have a chief in place developing a relationship, and maybe ( idk) because our FSDO was not in favor of our former chief being " let go", our guys don't think this is a good time to send a CFI candidate up. I am receiving advice to seek my CFII as my initial and do that not here. Do that at a finish up school in Florida maybe or Texas.
I don't like the sounds of that. I understand the thinking but it seems very backward.
Time to float for a couple of days. Beachdays coming up.

Now it's bedtime and I've been mulling this over - I am inclined to stay on the course I've set. Train here with the awesome CFI I get to work with. Do my ground stuff which I enjoy figuring out or understanding and then go do this thing. No maneuvering or running just stand where I'm supposed to stand.


Ron Amundson said...

Since the FSDO doesn't charge, and someone needs to be the first candidate, the worst case scenario is some extra time if the inspector ends up having a really bad day. The best case scenario is you are the start of rebuilding a relationship with the FSDO.

Also, once you start instructing, it never hurts to have good relationships with the FSDO folks... 99% of them are as gung ho on aviation as the most ardent GA pilots, and once they get to know you, its amazing how really helpful they can be.

DeAnn said...

Hi Ron - yes I agree with everything you said. Thanks for the encouragement.
You may have read here that all of our recent CFI candidates have stepped away from a check with this FSDO. Over the past year we have had several perplexing and seemingly punitive (some say hostile) experiences with our new FAA guys. We're a part 141 school and have enjoyed a long term strong relationship with the FSDO. Changes took place there which lead to some significant changes taking place here. I guess we're still waiting to see how the winds may blow after this major storm. We have three newly assigned safety inspectors. It seems to me that they are trying to do an excellent job. I feel okay about all three - one was my commercial instructor several years ago. On the other hand, several of our senior people were not re-certified to administer checkrides etc. The senior DPE in the area was summarily dismissed (he may have been a little rusty on a maneuver, idk, but it was difficult to see a highly respected highly experienced stellar record distinguished, fair - all that - old guy taken down by a young unknown). That was the first incident in what has been a continuous re-adjustment. All of our pilots with certificates earned within the last 18 mnts or so were given 709 rides - (only one was unsuccessful I believe) it depleted finances and morale. Recently our new chief had a gear up landing during a commercial certification ride. He is no longer with the program. It's just been a really rough year here.
I agree with you that the FSDO folks can be really awesome resources ... that has always been my experience. Thank you for the encouraging words.