The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I am pretty happy about the MP3 player that I added to this site. I've already selected too many songs! It has been a lot of fun for me to become more conversant with the technology used to blog. I've had no reason to type since papers in college, and started out snailishly slow.

On flying - still sitting. A chef friend has bartered some cooking lessons for a flight. A pleasure flight. Yesterday he sent me a text (with photo) of braised leg of lamb provencal, brussle sprouts in burre noir and caper, poached baby potatoes with butter braised leeks ... . Yeah - that got my attention. I'll fly him around this week. I stopped liking pleasure flights a long time ago. This will be good for me.

My house is more organized and tidy. My CFI note book is coming along. I'm still rubbing my tongue ... the momentum has seeped out of me. Most of the time I'm not fretting about finishing this certificate ... some of the time I am considering calling it quits. The sitting is more punishing then the actual work! My husband, thank God (really), is saying you absolutely can't quit this ... the regret would be too much.

Okay - towel folding time. Lots and lots of towels ... then ironing ... .

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