The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I feel surprisingly calm - peaceful - about this flight training predicament. It's important - very important. I like it that it is important on one level and not at all important on any other level. This doesn't affect any of the lower level needs - just that top of the pyramid need. Pretty interesting. Pretty cool. I'll be thinking about that.
My hands are tied. I am not a "hissyfit thrower" by nature. My one true asset here is my tenacity ... not to minimize the support of my family which is really the foundation for this whole project. I have already begun to search for other ways to complete this. I recognize that I can't see very far ahead and I can't control anything except my attitude and actions. If I see another viable way, I will take it. If this is the way, I'll wait for the door to re-open. Time will tell. I am a patient person, time has always been my friend.

Speaking of friends, I realize that I said I lost a friend over something. The truth is I couldn't have lost a friend over that. Either we never were friends or the we see friendship quite differently. I think we chose our relationships and they are important. Most people are probably a lot more casual about stuff like that then I am.

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