The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I am fresh from a steaming hot bubble bath and some fun reading. Today is Saturday. I have spent the day stressing about the ride coming up next Friday. I am annoyed with myself for that indulgence ... and others ... indulgences that is.

The ride will be in a cutlas RG. I flew one about 10 hours about 15 months ago, and while I was in Atlanta last week for about 7 more hours. The airplane is basically a POS with a retractable gear ... or frequently not, but whatever, I can easily pump it down and it feels a little gritty - unlike the newer airplanes. I shouldn't be trash talkin' this baby who has been very decent towards me. I just hope I don't falter on how much fuel she holds (66 US gallons @ 6 pounds per gallon) or the range of prop settings Cessna says she'll attain (12 to 26.5 degrees) ... at 12"MP the aural warning actuates ... sweat is popping up in the inside bend of my elbows (that place where they draw blood ... for donations ... when did I last contribute? ... pilots must allow time before their next flight or risk (hypemic)hypoxia ... that's what my AME says) as I try to remember all the numbers. (I used to be a blood donor ... now being ready to fly is more important ... that doesn't sound as nice as I like to think I am. I might have been a nicer person before I began serious flying.)

Slow flight ... what are her numbers I wonder ... come on DeAnn, I scold myself ... they are similar to a freaking landing configuration ... then add power as the airspeed decays. Do what it takes to make the airplane do what you want it to do! I can do that. I really know I can. But will it be good enough on Friday to look like I can teach it while I demonstrate it? Who will show up to fly that day? A commercial pilot, or an instructor? And what about the examiner? He's new to this FSDO. Does he need to make a name for himself? And that is exactly what is ridiculous with my thinking today ... This is called borrowing trouble. This is about worrying little worse case items which I have no control over. He sounded like an okay person on the phone. He wants to start as early as possible. Start early, finish early. Why am I stressing over things beyond my control? I know I can potentially rock this. The me that's not stressed out can. The stressed out me talks mean.

Minimum controllable airspeed ... defined as the airspeed at which any further reduction in power, any further increase in load, or angle of attack will cause the airplane to stall. Is that correct? Let me look it up. Essentially, yes. Exactly: An airspeed at which any further increase in AOA, increase in load factor, or reduction in power, would result in an immediate stall.*FAA-H-8083-3A

I am obviously flying my earth suit and the accompanying soul/command center at what is comparable to MCA. Wings level/nose on the horizon/full power! I know I should not indulge myself when operating in the area of reverse command. I know how aggravated stalls can get when the equipment is not coordinated. This past year has been ... difficult. My airspeed is low, I'm max load (even for a person who likes the G's), my AOA is high - just to hold altitude. I know that is a recipe for disastrous outcomes.

The guy I like to train with has a cute saying ... he calls it the BB theory: Every time you (I) open up the gun to add another BB, several will fall out. Yeah. I had a BB gun just like that. Another of his expressions, "I like that you are able to slap yourself in the face and hold it together when it really matters." I hope he is right. That seems to be where I find myself just now.

I think I will make some notes on Physiological factors ... that requires very little capacity.

1 comment:

DeAnn said...

On 13 October 2009 I had a better perspective. I wrote about it. Someone reminded me of that post.