The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What feels better then setting a goal that seems ... almost out of reach ... at least difficult ...and then accomplishing it? How many times during the past year did I think the cost of this is too high? How many times did I walk past something that I might have done in favor of completing this?

The cost of a thing is the amount of what I call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.
Henry David Thoreau
How many times did I recalculate the costs? At what point did the cost of not finishing become a factor?

This is what I do know: It feels really good.

My husband says this is an orienting event. He encourages me to capture how this feels ... he doesn't say feels ... he wants me to enjoy what this means to me ... this accomplishment. This is a great feeling.

Tomorrow Two and I are joining H for a spa day. I am getting maybe 6 inches of hair cut ... no one will even notice because my hair is too long. I've been over due on some of that stuff. Spa day - yee haw! And lunch somewhere nice.

Tonight ... class was almost too much fun. I taught on weights and balances. I love to see them figuring it out. They are so proud of themselves when they answer correctly ... too heavy means ... what? They love getting the right answers.

So - play day tomorrow ... weight shift and Time Speed Distance on Thursday night. I know ... I really like this stuff. It is so much better then Bakram Yoga!

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