Hmmm... Nice long fun in the sun kind of day! I have never seen the water as perfect -turquoise transparent and warm. Before the girls woke up L and I walked along the beach. I haven't sorted through my pictures yet but I did enjoy seeing a sea turtle today...and I hope there is a nice picture of it as a reminder. The sandpipers and gulls let me get a little closer that I expected them to. There are a few stretches of the old Panama City near this condo. The wildlife definitely prefers the quieter pace enjoyed there. An older man was lying near the water's edge, but up out of the surf and the birds were just walking almost right up to him. He was so still that I waited to see his back rise as his lungs filled before I passed by. Now I am wondering if I should have spoken to him ... good morning, I see you are just back from your morning swim are you okay or are you stroking out this morning... . I suspect he could happily do without his high rise high density neighbors. I did speak to a couple of officious looking gentlemen. "The beaches look lovely today don't they...?" He replied in Spanish - I don't understand English. "Como?!" I said, like whhhaaattt!!??! He touched his ear ... suddenly, he doesn't hear well, poor guy has a meandering malady. Husband said they must be BPs presence on the ground. Probably. Lots of cool helicopters were flying early this morning. I always wave at them. I am a committed tourist! One looped back by and rolled a little setting up a wonderful photo opp for me. I hope it turns out well. I really should take our better camera out to the water's edge on these strolls...I'm afraid it'll get splashed though. A good camera was the first thing we bought when we could almost afford it many years ago. We've had one ever since.
Tonight, we planned on taking Four and Five to Margaritaville for dinner. After strolling out the 1.5 hour wait (seriously) we were called (on my cellphone - seriously) and eventually seated (finally). I was pondering the subtle differences between this frozen concoction and that one on the page long listing (one was called the "perfect margarita" and I thought well, there you go, perfect it will be...) when Four's knee inadvertently touched Five's knee and already frayed nerves sparked up and I heard myself say,"Rather than a hundred dollar dinner that (only I or) no one will enjoy, why don't we cut bait on this one... ." I think everyone except maybe me and the waiter were relieved. Five is snuggled in to her bed now and I hope she dreams about the bazillion turns she took on the thirty foot high water slide today. Four is making a flashlight stroll with her Dad. Kinda lovely I think. And I microwaved a cup of soup, sliced a tomato, put a handful of my favorite Everything crackers on a plate and headed out here to the balcony. I'm on my third glass of icy cold water ... and I have a wonderful (Dune Grass) treat from the Yankee Candle store scenting the already awesome smelling air. The moon is full tonight and the waves just keep on rolling. Bliss.
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