The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

small things

~ found photo (idk)
"We can do no great things - only small things with great love." ~ Mother Teresa

St.Valentine's Day ...

On this day when a large part of the world pauses to think about and be thankful for the loves, all those many loves, in our lives, I am making the floors in my kitchen and breakfast room sing ... The tiles and most importantly the grout are singing a love song. I may be the only one who walks on them that will hear it, but ... a love song none the less. I am re-applying myself towards making the whole house sing. ("The fibers of all things have their tension and are strained like the strings of an instrument." ~Thoreau  I'm thinking I can do towards the songs sung in this house ... more carefully then I have.  The luxury of time may be spent towards this and that may be worth the trade of my days.  that's what I thinking about.  an attitude with actions supporting it ... intentions which may ease similar to what I experience while at the coast or really anywhere outside/nature ... that ease may be brought home as other things less desirable are.)
That's how I'm thinking about it. I had moved the song to over there ... Port A ... aka someday isle. That may have been the best I could do, but now I can do better, and I will.

I read two, sporadically three, blogs. Captain Fave doesn't write near enough, but I keep on checking in. The other blog has quite a bit of variety ... lotsa thinking going on there ... reflections on life/death/whatsit mean/how can it matter ... smarter then that, but I have to chew it in little bites ... It keeps me thinking about the quicksilver, utterly fragile, nature of life, and also ... the impact of that on our loves. Maybe something about vinegar reacting with baking soda makes me feel a little philosophical. Last night I dreamed that I died.

I would be okay with dying, even as I would prefer to continue the adventure of this particular life. This blog has become a little bit about later ... about being transparent to my loves for later when they might want to visit their ole Mom.

“Love won't be tampered with, love won't go away. Push it to one side and it creeps to the other.” ~ Louise Erdrich

This quote is where I'm thinking today ... was thinking about just a few minutes ago as I crawled around behind the fizz bubbling along the seams in the floor.  Love is good. Love, every bit as invisible as God ... I think it swirls the metaphoric DNA of the Creator.  And ... We know little bits of love. And big bits too, right?! I dip my toe in to it ... the shallow end of it and it ooches open and envelopes me. Love makes room for ... one more. The whole pool is enriched by the joy of making room for more.

Love as much as you possible can. Move as far in to the deep of love as you are able.

Other stuff, stuff that inhibits love ... that stuff also doesn't go away. You can "push" it aside, but I think it's important to realize that it creeps. Not Lovely is a creeper guys. Not Lovely doesn't go away. This is what I believe ... You gotta take not lovely by the tail and drag it with you out in to the deepest places of love ... it won't drown there (from what I've seen), but it will dissipate to a more tolerable level. Love dilutes not lovely. Love is the way to go. More is better when it comes to love. Be bold ... brave ... with that idea.

So ... That's one of the things I want you to remember ... it's taken me a while to figure that out.

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