The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

20 21 22 23 24 / 1000

20... If I don't get a little busy with this, 1000 gifts could take years! There was a three ft long snake lying against the house near the door to the crawl space. I do not like snakes. Not even chicken snakes ... Matter of fact, when I see adults teaching children to touch snakes it gives me the willies. All snakes are bad. Lol. And around here, snakes get up in trees ... Yuck! The least they could do is stay on the ground. Last night we blew a fuse on the AC. I noticed the house was warm after everyone else had left for the morning. Normally, I would get some replacement fuses from the garage and just go under the house and install them. It's very tidy under the house ... Cool ... And dark. Last week the man who sprays for insects was here ... he told me about the snake, asking me if I wanted him to kill it. Before he got back to it, it was gone. I know that snake is under my house. He probably has a bunch of snake buddies under there with him. I couldn't go under the house today. Even if Sammy had gone first. Today I was so happy that my husband came home for lunch and immediately went under the house and made cold air start flowing again.
21 today I put the absolutely perfect drawer pulls on the freshly painted chest. Perfect doesn't get to happen very often ... It's a gift when it does. Perfect rocks.
22 I am happy. I thought of that again today when I caught sight of my hair blowing around like wisps of smoke as I drove the jeep with the windows open. I was singing along with the radio as carefree as I ever have been. Pretty sweet.
23 one of my daughters really wants a new dress for the game this weekend ... She has a picture. We searched til we found the exact fabric she had in mind. She is excited about it. I really like that. It's one of the nicest things.
24 yesterday was my older brother's birthday ... This was the first year that I can remember my younger brother not calling me about it. I am extremely grateful that he has better things to think about. He and his wife were spending a few days at the beach. I am so happy that he is so happy.

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