The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sometimes it feels like it's raining all over the world. Well, it didn't freeze today, but the wind blew. The warrior stayed in its hanger with the plan that I'll fly it down on Tuesday. FA indicates SN in Mississippi ... what ever that is will be moving this way and I am just a bit surprised. Flurries are rare here. The person I am loosely partnering with for this little operation is off to guard duty and really hopes I can position the plane for a flight home. My husband is annoyed at the time I spend on flying ... it just doesn't pay well at all. That sort of thing. I am not troubled by any of it. I need to do what I can to keep my ticket viable for whatever comes next. Commercial pilots need to fly ... every opportunity for employment looks at how many hours you've flown ... recently. Plus, i need those 25 hours if Im going to instruct in it. This isn't the best job in the world, but it allows me to meet my commitments and to be home lots more than not. I told my husband that I would hold on to this with my bare teeth if I had to.

Sermon today on Believing the Unbelievable ... From Luke when the Angel told Mary about Jesus. I believe I would be somewhat troubled if an angel were to suddenly appear. it's kind of fun to imagine what an angel appearing would really be like. The pastor told the story of a physics experiment where a pendulum was set in motion and the audience agreed that in fact the arc would be ever decreasing ... Reason and faith. Then someone was asked to sit and the swing away would begin a mere inch from their nose ... Would faith hold them in their seat as the pendulum began swinging back? My C said that demonstration is all over you-tube ... kids! They really do seem to know everything these days, lol. He also told a story of a water pump in the dessert which would need to be primed ... I'll look that up tomorrow. The point was that reading the scriptures primes our faith ... maybe we don't "feel" it, but it is hydrating our souls none the less. We ended up not visiting with the Pentecostals today ... They meet an hour earlier then we expected, so everyone was running late even before they started running. We visited the Baptist church where we usually attend. The guest speaker today is one of my favorite preachers. I was glad to hear the message. Believing the unbelievable. I think that is one of the coolest things about being older ... You've lived long enough to see some stuff. You've lived long enough to believe that God can do whatever he wants. I'll try to make the notes tomorrow. I'd like to keep track and see if there is a pattern being woven ... The previous post has notes about the reasoning of man and the ineffable more. Basically what this guy was talking about and ... Bonhoeffer all about everyone has faith and maybe it takes an extra scoop of faith to not believe in God. We all believe something. We all have faith in something. Preacher today said archeologists shifting through our stuff will think scientists were our priests.

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