The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
400OVC then later 600OVC
What a great day to be a runner! Up first thing warming up on a couple of easy miles around the neighborhood before the real run begins...beautiful cool, moist, but not too wet, air. Perfect - really. I loved it when I was 16. I didn't even have to train - at 5'10/120#s in my running shoes (we called them tennies back in the day) - I was born to run. Back when I was a kid we all ran...we didn't have a lot to do I guess - but we had places to be. Seriously, I just ran...and jumped. I did jump for the track team during high school...ran to unwind in college. I didn't have a car til my senior year - I was on my bike a lot. This weather that we had today would have been perfect for biking.

Not so great for pilots.

I am not a runner now - I am not even a biker. I am thinking about picking that running stuff back up! I could be running on days like this instead of fretting about perfect weather! One of my college friends has spent the last 3 years working with a trainer - he looks like he has been doing a little somethingsomething. I've been training...I look like I have been thinking about pressure altitude and controllable pitch props. No one I hang out with wants to talk about props!
Posted by DeAnn at 7:23pm

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