The way to love someone
is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul
until you find a crack,
and then gently pour your love into that crack.
~Keith Miller

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically,if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy"~unknown

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."

"The two pillars of 'political correctness' are:
a) willful ignorance
b) a steadfast refusal to face the truth”
~George MacDonald

The key is to get to know people and trust them to be who they are. Instead, we trust people to be who we want them to be- and when they're not, we cry.” ~idk

“Love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. When you dare to reveal yourself fully. When you dare to be vulnerable.”~Dr.Joyce Brothers

"Love means exposing yourself to the pain of being hurt, deeply hurt by someone you trust."~idk

"Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation"~idk

"Someone who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken"~idk

T S Eliot
"No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence. "Those who trust us educate us."

"You must live in the present,launch yourself on every wave,find your eternity in each moment."
"To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but to so love wisdom as to live according to its dictates a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust.”
~Henry David Thoreau - you gotta adore Thoreau
Posted by DeAnn at 7:03 PM 2 comments

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